Institute of Forest Biodiversity Hyderabad
भावाअशिप - वन जैव विविधता संस्थान
ICFRE - Institute of Forest Biodiversity
Hyderabad, Telengana (India)


Last Updated on : 26 February 2024


Division engaged in the projects focusing on conservation of biodiversity, ecology and environment, and climate change aspects which are very pertinent, as far as addressing the issues related to conservation of ecosystem and environment and also implications of climate change are concerned. The projects mainly deal with recording of data on the frequency, density and growth parameters of the trees, number of seedlings of major timber tree species, shrubs and their regeneration status for all seasons in the selected forests. It gives an idea on regeneration, carbon sequestration and productivity, basically a bench mark for the years under reference. The Division has a number of agroforestry systems designed and developed, which always had better land equivalent ratios (LER ratios) in the range of 1.78 to 3.5 depending on tree and crop combinations. It was estimated that one acre is equal to 1.78 acres or even 3.5 acres in terms of yield as compared to native productivity of the cultivated crops. Taking the lead from this, a pilot project on Paddy+Bach system with fish and trees as an intensive organic farming system was developed. A Project on development of agro forestry model with RET species as a component is also being implemented. Further Forests in general are vulnerable system and damaged considerably by various factors and causes like epidemic of insect pest and diseases, weed and invasive species, forest fires and anthropogenic activities. It is a known fact that considerable reduction in productivity occurs due to infestation. However, it is challenging to utilize traditional methods of protection against insect pest. Keeping this in view, Institute is implementing three projects focusing on IPDM approach, including plant based insecticides and biological control measures.



The division carries out the research addressing the issue of forest genetic resource conservation, species recovery programme for an endangered species of Eastern Ghats such as Pterocarpus santalinus, Syzigium cumuni, Gloriosa superba, Andrographis badoemi, Rauwolfia serpentina etc. and involve in productivity enhancement of important and commercial species through mass selection and selective breeding which is imperative, considering the low productivity of our forests in general. 

As a new initiative at national level in consonance with NFRP an all India coordinated research project (AICRP) on 'Conservation and productivity improvement of Red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.)'  is prepared in collaboration with six other research institutes. Apart from this, the productivity of medicinal plants in terms of active ingredients is also being implemented by the division.

The natural biostimulants not only promote the growth by increasing cell division but also influence the biochemical parameter.

A project addresses growth and biochemical content enhancement, mainly the reserpine content, of Rauwolfia serpentina utilizing potential natural biostimulants as growth regulator.



The Institute of Forest Biodiversity, Hyderabad is working under the auspices of ICFRE, Dehradun, enduring its research and extension work to fulfill the mandate and the mission of council "To generate, preserve, disseminate advance knowledge, technologies and solutions, for addressing issues related to forests and promote linkages arising out of interactions between people, forests and environment on a sustained basis through research, education and extension".



  • Various Ph.D. Scholars are being guided by the Scientists of the IFB.
  • Technical help is extended to the State Forest Department for implementation of R&D under World bank aided APCFM project (phase II)


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