ICFRE-INSTITUTE OF FOREST BIODIVERSITY (IFB) located at Dulapally, Hyderabad was initially started as “Advanced Centre for Biotechnology and Mangrove Forests” and later on renamed as “Forest Research Centre, Hyderabad” on 9th July, 1997. In 2012 the centre was upgraded to Institute and renamed as “Institute of Forest Biodiversity”. The institute is sprawled over 100 acres campus with well-equipped research infrastructure. Besides the main campus, the institute has one field station at Mulugu and one Research Centre has ICFRE-Coastal Ecosystem Centre at Visakhapatnam.
To attain excellence in conservation of Forest Biodiversity and sustainable utilization of Forest Genetic Resources for enhancing productivity and livelihood support
To pursue focussed research on forest biodiversity in order to develop strategies for conservation and sustainable utilization of forest genetic resources, eco-restoration of stressed sites, climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The Institute is mandated to carry out research on conservation and sustainable utilization of forest biodiversity, with an emphasis on Eastern Ghats, Mangroves and Coastal Ecology
The scope inter alia includes:
- To undertake and promote forestry research, education and extension, leading to scientific and sustainable management of biodiversity, including marine and coastal resources
- To provide scientific advice to the central and state governments aiding informed decision making in matters of national and regional importance, international commitments and to address forestry research needs of mandated states
- To provide technical assistance and material support to states, forest dependent communities, forest based industries, tree & NTFP growers and other stakeholders in their forestry based programmes for conservation and sustainable use of forest resources
- To develop, upscale, disseminate and share of appropriate technologies to end-users through innovative extension strategies and capacity building programmes
- Quantitative ecological assessment and documentation of biodiversity of Eastern Ghats
- Genetic resource assessment of endemic and rare plants of Eastern Ghats for conservation planning
- In situ and ex situ conservation of the RET and endemic species of Eastern Ghats by identifying conservation populations/stands within the protected area networks and other approaches
- Sustainable utilization of Eastern Ghats biodiversity including marine and coastal biodiversity resources by applying the principles of genetic improvement, clonal propagation and agroforestry
- Biodiversity and climate change with emphasis on effects of climate change on the biodiversity of Eastern Ghats, mangrove forests and costal ecology and their mitigation
- Environmental impact assessment of mining and other mega projects on Biodiversity and eco-rehabilitation of stress sites
- To undertake research and knowledge management on various aspects of forests, viz., forest soils, invasive species, NTFPs, forest fires, insect pests and diseases
- To undertake all such activities as necessary, incidental and conducive to attainment of the objectives of the council
Core Research Areas:
1- Quantitative ecological assessment and documentation of biodiversity of Eastern Ghats.
2- Genetic resource assessment of endemic and rare plants of Eastern Ghats for conservation planning.
3- Threat assessment for classification of Eastern Ghats biodiversity into rare, endangered and threatened species.
4- In situ conservation of the RET and endemic species of Eastern Ghats by identifying conservation populations/stands within the protected area networks.
5- Ex situ conservation of the RET and endemic species of Eastern Ghats by establishing germplasm banks, seed storage rooms and tissue culture rooms.
6- Utilization of Eastern Ghats biodiversity by applying the principles of genetic improvement and clonal propagation.
7- Utilization of Eastern Ghats biodiversity by the society by applying the principles of agro forestry.
8- Protection of Eastern Ghats biodiversity from the endemic and introduced insects and pathogens.
9- Effects of climate change on the biodiversity of Eastern Ghats and their mitigation.
10- EIA of mining and other mega projects on the Biodiversity of Eastern Ghats and their eco- rehabilitation.
The Director, appointed by the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), is responsible for day-to-day administration and implementation of programmes.
At present, there are 10 scientists and 1 IFS officers engaged in active research and extension programmes. All scientific staffs have extensive research background and possess expertise in handling multi-disciplinary projects. In addition to the scientific personnel, there are 20 technical and 27 administrative support staffs.
Research and Extension endeavor of the institute is carried out under following divisions:
Telangana and Odisha